STAR Market Stock Code: 688583

Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

SCANTECE sales & purchasing terms and conditions

● SCANTECE sales & purchasing terms and conditions

Terms of use of our website

Any use of the materials contained on this website (including trademarks, taglines, and/or logos) without the prior written consent of Scantech is strictly prohibited. The content of this website is subject to change without prior notice.

Scantech does not make any implicit or explicit representations or warranties of any kind including without limitation representations or warranties on merchantability or fitness of purpose regarding any materials or products found and/or described on this website.

Scantech reserves all of its rights to make additions, modifications, improvements, withdrawals, and/or changes to its product lines and/or product characteristics at any time and without prior notice.

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, Scantech does not guarantee its exactness and cannot be held liable for inaccuracies or omissions.

As an innovative company, Scantech’s presence on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram is significant. We use these platforms to share exciting news and information about our company, products, and services with our customers, partners, employees, and anyone who is interested in learning more about the company’s innovative portable and automated 3D scanning technologies.

1. Content

Because the Internet is a community and we want to keep it that way, you are more than welcome to contribute and exchange with us and other people on all of our posts. We want to hear from you! We will be thrilled to answer your questions, exchange ideas, and give more information on any related topics. However, please be aware and understand that we may not comment on the sensitive matter about Scantech and the industry if we deem it to be inappropriate.

In this spirit of community, we feel it is important to maintain an environment based on respect so that we can better communicate and learn all together. Therefore, we have laid down some rules for us to better manage the activity on our social media pages. We reserve the right to delete any of your posts or comments if they do not meet our guidelines.

We will delete any inappropriate comments or posts that include:

●  Hatred, threats, or harassment

●  Threatening or incitement to criminal behavior

●  Illicit material

●  Crude, obscene, or sexually explicit content

●  Off-topic interventions

●  Attempts to disturb the discussion (also known as trolling)

We recognize some off-topic comments may bring up future topics of discussion, but we still might delete them if they interfere with the current subject thread.

2. Posting

Whenever you comment on one of our social media accounts and/or tag us on a post, you grant us the free rights to use and share that content with proper credit. It could be used for any helpful purposes and on any of our company’s social media accounts.

3. Language

Being based in Hangzhou China, our official language is Chinese; however, on international social media, Scantech’s official language is English.

If you want to apply for a specific job position or get to know what life is like at Scantech, feel free to visit our Scantech social media page.

4. Opinions

Everyone is entitled to her or his opinion. Respect the opinions of others in your discussions and keep an open mind when exchanging with other people. Any opinions expressed on our social media by individuals, related or not to Scantech, should not be taken as our company’s position on a given topic. Even though our employees and partners are ambassadors of the company’s culture and vision, they have their own opinions. These opinions do not necessarily reflect Scantech’s official stance.

5. Affiliations

Scantech is in no way affiliated with any company behind the social media platforms we use. You should always be aware of and understand the terms and conditions, as well as the security and privacy policies associated with every social media, account you create online.

6. Sales and customer service

The best way to ask questions about our products or services and to get in touch with us is through our sales and customer service representatives:


Tel: 0086-571-85852597

Fax: 0086 571-85370381

Address: Building 12, No.998, West Wenyi Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China